Welcome To Our New Store!

Pennie Opal Plant, owner Gathering TribesI am very excited to share our new online store with you.  As many of you know, we temporarily (we thought) closed our retail gallery store, Gathering Tribes, on March 16th.  After realizing that the pandemic was going to stay a while, after 29 years we realized that the closure had to be permanent.  It wasn't an easy decision, but it was the right one for us.

The retail location had a lot of inventory that was built up over many years and I wish I had a magic wand to have it all uploaded now, but it's going to take a while. I hope that those of you familiar with the retail store will have patience with the process of photographing, measuring, weighing, describing and uploading each treasure that we offer.

As I write the description of each piece, I think about what one of our friends said to me during the closing sale, "I hope there is a way that you can bring the good energy to the website that you've brought to the store."   I've done my best to tell folks the same thing here that I would have said in the store.  I know it's not the same, but it's the best I can do.

Hopefully, you received the newsletter announcing the opening of Gathering Tribes online.  If you didn't, please sign up now and we'll let you know of new items that are available and blog posts to find out if my husband, Michael Horse, and I will be setting up at shows and pow wows once we are all able to mingle again.  And, of course, feel free to email me if you have any questions at treasures@gatheringtribes.com.

This is a challenging time.  Some of us have lost family and friends to COVID-19, including myself.  Early on in March, I was praying for guidance on what this is all about.  I realized that intelligent forces greater than us, perhaps Mother Earth, are letting us know we need to take a time out. 

Here in California in the first several weeks of the shelter-in-place, the number of birds singing dramatically increased.  With so few cars on the roads, the air cleared and the sky turned a color of blue that I hadn't seen since I was a child.  It was wonderful to see the Chevron refinery near where we live stop emitting clouds of toxins and my family's respiratory and sinus issues cleared up for weeks.  All over the world our non-human relatives made their way back into territories they had not felt comfortable being seen in for many decades. 

I think we all enjoyed seeing the photos of a variety of animals in cities emptied of human activity.  My favorite photo from that time is of a coyote lying down on the Golden Gate Bridge. After several weeks of not leaving her home, one of my friends told me that the birds she feeds began peering into her window.  They had never done that before.  We both like to think that they, and other creatures, have wondered what has happened to us, why have we stopped going out so much, and if we are alright.

In the last month or so, government officials told us here in the United States that it was time to "go back to work" and to go out to shop and dine to support the economy.  In many parts of the country, officials also told the public that masks and social distancing were no longer necessary.  As a result we have seen cases of the virus rise in alarming rates, the highest rates of infection in the world. 

Once again, it seems that intelligent forces greater than us are communicating to us that humans are not in charge and that we have this time out to think about how we can re-imagine a world that is safe, sustainable and balanced, where we remember how to live within the laws of nature in order for the sacred system of life to safely continue.  I hope that we are all spending some time imagining and pondering a vibrant and healthy world.

May we remain patient, safe, strong and healthy during this challenging time.  Sending much gratitude to each one of you.


  • Beau McCrury

    Please keep me posted as your online store grows. I grew up in Berkeley and now live in Minnesota. Whenever we come back to visit either my wife or I make it a point to visit your store and bring something back with us. Your store always felt like home to us and we’re sorry to hear of its closing but will be happy to shop at your online store. When one door closes another opens but we look so long and regretfully upon the close door we do not see the one which has opened for us. Stay safe and best wishes!

  • Amy Lenzo

    Pennie and all at Gathering Tribes,

    You have done a BEAUTIFUL job of bringing the spirit and beauty of your store online. Today I had the exciting experience of receiving an email from you with the photo of the most beautiful earrings I have ever seen. I was able to just follow a link to jump on your site and order them – for me, it was just like the experience of dropping by to visit you there on Solano and seeing something I absolutely HAD to have. What a pleasure! Thank you for doing all this work, and continuing to bring new and fresh pieces of exquisite craftsmanship to us. My heart is with you as you do this sacred work, in service to Beauty and the craftsmen and women who embody her. (I love Michael’s new ledger painting, The Proposal!)

  • Jackie Lewis

    I’m from the Laguna Acoma tribe… met you long time ago saw at Pows Wows even was at you house on the hill in El Sobrante one year for 4th of July, years ago.
    Anyway when I saw the store front closed it was a sad day. But I totally understand. Yes these are challenging months we’ve all gone through. Pray that it ends and we can see and hug each other again. My best to your online sales.

  • Suzanne De Long Philis

    My daughter and I drove by your empty storefront yesterday and were so sad to see it gone. Glad you’ve found a place online, for now, but I hope some day you will find another storefront so we can all visit in person.

  • Susan Terris

    I was feeling such sadness when I saw your storefront closed, and hoped you would create an online store. I’m glad you have! I would like to join your circle of friends! There is no active link to do so.

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